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Personal Campus Tour and Consults Available

Many families want to visit campus before applying. We welcome tours and consults by appointment.
Where: Campus, 8420 Jack Finney Blvd, Greenville, TX  75402
Contact:  903-454-1111 or

Meet GCS 

Meet GCS is a group meeting, usually scheduled for January and April

Who: Families interested in GC enrollment
What: General information about GCS and how we fulfill our mission of excellent academics, biblical life application, and leadership skills to excel throughout the student's Christ-centered life.
When: Twice annually. Email us for more information.
Where: Campus, 8420 Jack Finney Blvd, Greenville, TX  75402, MPAC
Length: One Hour - for program and tour, anyone is welcome to stay afterward for a personal consultation
RSVP:  903-454-1111 or


Shadow Days

Who: Students, Grades 5 and older, interested in GC enrollment and have had a previous visit or consultation with the school
What:  Students visit a classroom paired with a GCS student for the day
When:  By appointment during school year
Where: Check in at school office 
Length: Students' in-class time half or whole days
RSVP:  903-454-1111 or