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On-Line Application Beginning 2021-22

GREAT! You've decided to apply. We are excited to begin that process with you! Here's how you get started.

Beginning this year, all of our applications and re-enrollments are done online. Follow the link below to apply.

For all new applications, you will set up an account, and then complete an application for each child. If you have any questions during the application process, you can stop, log out, then log back in to complete it. At the end of each application, you will be asked to pay a $75 application fee.  That's all for now. As you advance through the enrollment process, we will work with you about your tuition and fees.

For new applicants transferring in from other schools or from home school, documented information about your child's previous work can be provided by you, or we can request information from the previous school on your behalf. Just let us know.

For re-enrollments, just access your account in the Family Portal (Parents Web) and follow the instructions there.

Click here to begin your new application.