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The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, inspired by God. Therefore, we explore scripture with students and pray daily, asking for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in teaching spiritual truths to our students in order to help them develop a relationship with Christ and to build a foundation for their lives founded in knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Knowledge through academics based in Biblical truths is powerful in a Christian’s life. Therefore, we create a culture where knowledge is valued and students are motivated to learn; create an environment where children are engaged, stimulated, motivated and secure, so learning happens; employ well-qualified staff who provide a safe and nurturing environment that is rich in academics and who utilize a variety of instructional methods to help each child excel in their academic studies; use curriculum that is current and relevant; permeate academics with scriptural truth so that students attain knowledge with a Biblical world view.

Character begins in the heart and is communicated through attitudes and actions.  Therefore, we teach students the Biblical standards of Christian character; partner with parents to develop these Christian character traits; encourage students to trust Christ as their Savior and to invite Him to mature their faith and character; model excellence in workmanship and character; acknowledge and encourage dependence on God for strength and guidance every day to cultivate our hearts and character.

Leadership is influence and, as a Christian, influence comes with responsibility. Therefore, we teach the fundamentals of leadership skills; help students understand influence and its results; develop students’ strengths and abilities to influence through practice; incorporate Christian values into practicing responsible influence; study leaders and their influence and practices; place students in leadership roles, when appropriate to help them mature their leadership skills; develop a strong sense of the skill and model of servant leadership.

The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, inspired by God. It reveals God, His nature, His love, His life instruction, His prophecy, His Son, His Spirit, His relationships to mankind, salvation…and so much more. It is our prayer and intention that students become deeply rooted in Christ, for this is the most important aspect of life.


Therefore, we explore scripture with students and pray daily, asking for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in teaching spiritual truths to our students in order to help them develop a relationship with Christ and to build a foundation for their lives founded in knowledge, wisdom and truth.


Knowledge through academics based in Biblical truths is powerful in a Christian’s life. Excellent academics that incorporate a Biblical worldview are primary in our mission. It is our intention that students attain an excellent education based in truth and develop a lifelong appetite for learning.


Therefore, we create a culture where knowledge is valued and students are motivated to learn; create an environment where children are engaged, stimulated, motivated and secure, so learning happens; employ well-qualified staff who provide a safe and nurturing environment that is rich in academics and who utilize a variety of instructional methods to help each child excel in their academic studies; use curriculum that is current and relevant; permeate academics with scriptural truth so that students attain knowledge with a Biblical world view.


Character begins in the heart and is communicated through attitudes and actions.  The heart provides the motivation for Christian character which is developed through knowledge, faith and life experiences. As Christians, we make a choice to entrust our hearts to Christ for a lifetime. This faith provides fertile ground for lifelong character development. Daily participation in the Christian community at school fosters rich opportunities to learn and develop Godly character.


Therefore, we teach students the Biblical standards of Christian character; partner with parents to develop these Christian character traits; encourage students to trust Christ as their Savior and to invite Him to mature their faith and character; model excellence in workmanship and character; acknowledge and encourage dependence on God for strength and guidance every day to cultivate our hearts and character.


Leadership is influence and, as a Christian, influence comes with responsibility.  Everyone has influence, whether intended or not. By cultivating a student’s ability to have positive and responsible influence, we also model Jesus who was a responsible and wise leader.


Therefore, we teach the fundamentals of leadership skills; help students understand influence and its results; develop students’ strengths and abilities to influence through practice; incorporate Christian values into practicing responsible influence; study leaders and their influence and practices; place students in leadership roles, when appropriate to help them mature their leadership skills; develop a strong sense of the skill and model of servant leadership.