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What is Different about GC and Christian Education?


1) Environment. We are a typcial body of followers of Christ who act maturely sometimes and immaturely others; however, we know our goal is to glorify God with our lives. These facts and motives place us on a path to personal, spiritual and social growth. This path naturally leads to a healthier Christian social environment than a secular setting provides. 

2) Christianity. The integration of Biblical truth and life application is the foundation of everything we do. This exposure to God's word matures us as Christians every day. Students and faculty hear prayer, see scripture on the walls and white boards, and experience teachers who direct hearts toward honoring God and minds toward a Biblical worldview of academics. 

3) Social opportunities. Social opportunities abound, and because the school is smaller, and classes are smaller, students often say they feel like their classmates are family. A relaxed, yet hard-working atmosphere opens the door for socialization and getting to know others on a more personal level. 

4) Academics. Whatever the class, excellent education is the goal, so curriculum is in-depth and builds cohesively from year to year. Student:teacher ratios are smaller (averaging 15:1), allowing for more personalized instruction. Attention is given to detail on a progressive basis which teaches students how to achieve excellence. The Class of 2015 earned just under $1.5M in scholarships. That speaks for itself.

5)  Extra-curricular activities. There are many opportunities for extra-curricular activities including sports, performing arts, student government, missions, Destination Imagination, robotics, praise band, National Honor Society, Student Council and more.

6) Leadership development. Since leadership development is part of our mission, we begin training students to use their personal influence with integrity for positive outcomes as early as PK. We believe good character is at the heart of every effective and positive leader. We teach laws and principles of leadership beginning in Kindergarten through knowledge, skill development and life application. Leadership development is a part of our culture. In Secondary, opportunities to step into formal leadership roles as well as junior level leadership curriculum and projects are incorporated into both academics and extra-curricular activities.

7) Cost.  GC IS THE LEAST EXPENSIVE FULL-TIME, PK-GRADE 12 ON-SITE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL within a 50 mile radius of Greenville. Tuition is comparable to some local day care rates, or some compare it to a daily drive-through meal for two. Most GC families are not financially wealthy. They choose to pick up part-time income or down-size their home,vacation, or transportation to provide an excellent education for their children.  Families approved for enrollment can apply for financial aide when it is available in the school's budget. Applications must be completed andturned in to the school office. The application will be reviewed and considered by the school's Financial Aid committee. Discounts for pastors, GC faculty and families with multiple students, are also available.

8) Outcomes. GC graduates consistently find that they are accepted to the post secondary educational institution of their choice. Our mission goes beyond education, to success in life. As an accredited ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) school, we are a part of a general study that shows outcomes about the impact accredited schools have on student's lives.