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Personal.  Preparatory.   Principled.


Greenville Christian School will soon begin its 47th year with 287 students from 60 or more churches and 22 cities in Hunt county and the surrounding region. Fully accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International, the school's clear focus, every day, is to prepare students to join in God's purposes both now and in the future with their minds, their hearts, their character, and their personal strengths. Founded in 1976 by families representing several churches, the school's original goals still stand at the forefront of our educational efforts:  to provide an academically excellent experience built upon a solid biblical foundation and worldview, and do so in a Christ-centered community. GC students are known, loved, and prayed over. The school's administration and faculty intentionally partners with Christian families to help each student understand, embrace, and practice that which is true, good, and excellent. 

The official mission statement is: 


Greenville Christian School equips the children of Christians with excellent academics, biblical life application and leadership skills to excel throughout their Christ-centered lives.


 ~ We  are often asked how we “handle” many of the issues in which our society it currently pushing to the forefront. As in all matters, we incorporate a biblical worldview which permeates our school life. ~


What's Happening

2023-24 School Supply Lists
Click for Info re application, process, and tuition

School Life